August 07, 2006

This going back to college thing is full of unexpected twists.
The whole admission process was a nightmare last week and the week before. (You'd think that a place like the University of Hyderabad would have a better system to manage the admission process) I mean, it would have taken no more than 30 minites per student to complete the whole thing if only the process had been re-organized a bit. I spent about 11 hours over two days. And I was one of the lucky one!! People were waiting around for 2 whole days to get a little piece of paer and plastic that would welcome them to the university. Those that had a bit of patience and traces of good humor left, sat around comparing the admission process to getting a darshan at Tirupati. Those that didn't, fumed and searched around for a phone number to call the local gossip mongering TV guys - TV9 would have captured some good sound bytes of Hyderabadi gaalis if they had been around.

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